Monday, May 30, 2011

WW Week 15 Update

Well this week I gained 1 pound. I had a feeling I might because I had 2 family reunions complete with potlucks and will have another potluck cookout tonight. Also exercise wasn't that great. I just can't figure out how to manage WW and the potluck scene.
Monday-Walked after the library.
Tuesday-Biggest Loser Challenge and short walk with Duke (Grandma & Grandpa B's dog)
Wednesday-Walked after the library
Thursday-Walked after the library

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Make Your Own...Sloppy Joe's!

I tried a new recipe for sloppy joe's last week, it was SO good! Much better than the canned version. If sloppy joe's are on your upcoming menu you must try this recipe.

Sloppy Joe's                 Serves 8
2lbs lean ground beef (or turkey, chicken, pork, whatever you prefer)
1/2 cup chopped onion*
1 cup chopped celery
1 (10.75oz) can condensed tomato soup
1/4 cup ketchup
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
8 hamburger buns

1. Place ground beef in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook until evenly browned, stirring to crumble. Add onion and celery, cover the pan and cook until tender and transparent, about 5 minutes. (I didn't cover my pan and it was fine.) Drain off any grease.
2. Stir the "sauce" ingredients together. Heat to simmer over low heat, and cook until thoroughly heated, stirring frequently to prevent it from burning on the bottom.
3. Spoon onto buns and Enjoy!!!

*I have some major issues with cutting onions so I used dehydrated minced onion and it was fine.

The celery really added a nice flavor to it and cooked in really well. I'm sure this would freeze well, with or without the meat added. DELICIOUS!

Monday, May 23, 2011

WW Week 14 Update!

This week I lost 2 pounds, which earned me the "additional 5lbs" WW award! It also means I met another 5lb challenge! I haven't decided how I'm going to treat myself yet. I also checked my BMI again and it's dropped 2 places since my starting weight! I may start adding the changes to that in my monthly updates.

Exercise Report
M-Walked to work(RMU); Walk/Jogged 1 additional mile
T-Walked to work; Walked 1 additional mile
W-Walked to work; Biggest Loser Wii: Full Body Workout
T-Biggest Loser Wii: Upper Body Workout
F-Biggest Loser Wii: Yoga Workout
S-No Workout
S-Biggest Loser Wii: Lower Body Workout

I am just 2.5 pounds away from my first Weight Watchers Goal, 5% of my starting body weight!!! It's so close I can smell it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weight Watchers Month 3 Update!

AS OF 5/14/11
Monthly Weight Loss: 1lb(only counting "new" pounds)
Total Weight Loss: 9lbs
Monthly Measurements: down 0.5"-2.5"
Total Measurements: down 0.5"-2.5"

The majority of this month was spent trying to lose old pounds, however I'm beginning to lose inches though! I'm not really sure how accurate the measurements are because I'm never exactly sure if I'm really in the same spot or not. I do try to get it as close as possible though. I had to get rid of a pair of capris and a shirt because they are too big!!! They were on the bigger end of my clothes anyway but its still exciting to say they are too big for me now. I actually haven't gotten rid of them yet, so if anyone wants/needs them they can have them. I am not keeping them "just in case" they are definitely going.

Monday, May 16, 2011

WW Week 13 Update!

I lost 2 pounds this week! That's 2 weeks in a row that I've still been able lose weight while hanging out with Kayla. I even got through 2 graduation parties and 2 birthday parties and still lost. The key for me is making sure I track and still follow my points amounts. So now I am all caught up and ready to lose new pounds! (and on a lower Daily Points Target)

 I've started walking to work to help save gas and get extra exercise. By walking to work, then to the Post Office from my office, then back to my office, then finally back home, I've walked 1 1/2 miles. And today I started Day 1 of my jogging plan. My goal is to be a jogger by the end of summer. Right now I am just starting out by going my usual 1 mile walking route and walking for 10 minutes as a warm up, then jogging until I feel like I can't jog anymore, then back to walking until I feel I can jog again. I just repeat the jogging and walking until I'm on the last block of my route then walk the remainder as a cool down. Today I was able to jog 3 sessions and did better than I thought I would. My goal is that once I can jog the entire time between my warm up and cool down to expand my route.

 Anyone have any ideas of whether I should try to jog every day or every other day, with walking or some other exercise in between? I'm really new to this and am not sure which is the best for my body.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Contrary To Popular Belief...Fact #1

I recently picked up this book called "Contrary To Popular Belief". I thought it would be fun to periodically post some of the "facts" on here.

Fact #1. George Washington was the ninth president of the United States.

"The United States was established on July 4, 1776. George Washington was inaugurated president thirteen years later, on April 30, 1789. During the intervening years, the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia drew up the Articles of Confederation (the first American constitution). In 1781, Maryland representative John Hanson was elected the first 'president of the Congress of the United States in Congress Assembled.' After Hanson, seven other men served as president: Elias Boudinot, Thomas Mifflin, Richard Henry Lee, John Hancock, Nathaniel Gorham, Arthur St. Clair, and Cyrus Griffin. In 1787, Congress held a constitutional convention. The delegates wrote the current constitution, ratified by the states in 1788. The following year, the ratifying states elected Washington our nation's ninth president (but the first president under the new constitution)."

These facts come from the book "Contrary To Popular Belief" by Joey Green and are not my own words.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You Know You Work At A Public Library When...

While at the post office getting the mail for your other job, one of the postal workers asks you to renew their books for them!

Monday, May 9, 2011

WW Week 12 Update!

I lost another pound this week! YAY!! I'm especially excited because I spent the weekend with my sister and that has caused issues in the past with continuing to lose. I have 2 more pounds to lose until I'm back to my lowest and losing new pounds, but I'm moving in the right direction!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Congratulations Kayla!

Today my little sister graduated from college! She is  now the proud owner of a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education! She is certified to teach birth through third grade. I'm so proud of her!!!! She's put in so much into this and it's truly been a labor of love. I'm sure there are things she will miss and things she's glad to be leaving. In some ways I feel like she just started and others I feel like have been much much longer. She is such an inspiration to me, I'm so proud of the wonderful woman she's become. It was an honor to celebrate this special day with my best friend!

I love you like umbrellas love rain!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Poll and A New Blog Design!

I'd really like to hear what you want to see more of on here, so I opened a poll. Voting ends May 12 at 11:59pm. Choose what you'd like to see more of and I will try to oblige.

I also changed the layout, font and background, tell me what you think of the new look!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

WW Week 11 Update!

I weighed in yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to post. I've lost 1 make up pound. Yes I'm moving in the right direction, but at a pretty slow pace. I guess as long as I'm not gaining right?! I will feel soo much better when I'm losing NEW pounds though not old ones!