Monday, December 23, 2013

Kanaan Meets Santa!

We took Kanaan to meet Santa at the mall. He did great even though he was starting to get hungry.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

On Andy's birthday in October we took Kanaan to the pumpkin patch. It was a little chilly that day so we just snapped some pictures and didn't stay very long. I wanted to post them on here even though it was a few months ago.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Kanaan's Kronicles... 3 Month Update!

Kanaan turned 3 months on the 4th. He was 11 1/2lbs and 23 1/2 inches long on the 11th. He is sleeping through the night! He started sleeping from 10pm - 5am Thanksgiving week and the last week or so he started sleeping from 10pm - 9am. At about 9:30ish we start getting him ready for bed and give him a little more milk if he wants and then lay him in his bed for the night. He is wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. We still use disposable diapers at night and on the go and cloth during the day at home. He is moving into size 1 shoe. I started relactating a little over 1 month ago and am able to pump 5-6oz/day, about 1 bottle for Kanaan.

He holds his head up really well, is babbling and cooing, and is constantly folding his hands together. He's right on track developmentally.

This month included: a baby shower for my side of the family; his first thanksgiving; his first Christmas open house on the square.

Here are some pictures from his 3 month shoot:

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from our little turkey!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Halloween 2013

I know this is really late, but I wanted to document it anyway.  This year for Halloween Kanaan wore his Jack-o-lantern pajamas for his costume. I made him a pumpkin hat to go along with it and his other halloween shirts. We went "trick-or-treating" to the grandparents and great grandparents houses. Here are the pictures of our little pumpkin.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kanaan's Kidney Update

On October 30th, Kanaan had a follow up with Dr. S, his kidney specialist. Kanaan's last labs were on October 21st his creatinine pronounced [kree-at-n-een, or kree-at-n-in] was 1.3. Dr S said that since his labs keep improving that we can move his labs to once a month now. He wants to see him again on December 11th and then in January to do another kidney ultrasound to see what's going on with his kidneys. Overall it was a good appointment and we are to keep doing what we're doing with him.

Here are a couple pictures of our little cutie pie the first one is at the appointment with Dr. S and the other is from another day.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Kanaan's Kronicles...2 Months Old!

Kanaan turned 2 months on the 4th! He weighed 10lbs 4oz and was 22in long at his check up on 11/7/13. He is wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. I packed his newborn clothes away last night. This month I started giving him a massage before his bath and he loves it. We started a bedtime routine and I think it helps him sleep better at night. After his 7-8ish pm bottle, he gets a massage, then bath, then lotion and jammies, then he usually drinks a few more ounces of milk before going to bed. He'll sleep until 4am, then eat a few ounces and go back to sleep until 8:30am. During the day he eats every 3-4 hours, we don't really have a set schedule, I just follow his lead. We started cloth diapers this month and we love it. I still use disposable overnight and when we are out and about because we got some as gifts and I don't want them to go to waste.

This month include: a visit to the pumpkin patch, a baby shower at Grandma King's, first holiday, trick or treating, and first social smile.

Here are some pictures from his 2 month photo shoot:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Corn and Cheese Chowder

This week we tried a new recipe. It was really good!

Corn and Cheese Chowder

4tbs butter
1/2 onion, diced
3 slices bacon, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 can corn, drained
1 can creamed corn
1/4c flour
3c chicken broth
2c half and half
2c shredded monterey jack or cheddar cheese
1/4c green onion

In a large pot, melt butter over medium-high heat. Cook onions for a few minutes, then add in bacon and diced bell peppers. Cook until soft. Add in corn and simmer a couple more minutes.

Sprinkle flour over mixture, and stir. Then add in broth and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Reduce heat to low, then stir in half-and-half, and cover to thicken. Simmer about 15 minutes.

Stir in cheese and green onion. Once cheese is melted, salt and pepper to taste.

We didn't have any green onion so I left that out. It was very flavorful!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Kanaan's Kronicles...1 Month Old!

Kanaan is 1 month old! At his check up on 10/7/13 he weighed 8lbs 13oz, 1 pound 1 ounce bigger than when he was born. He's 20 3/4" long. He wears size 1 diapers and newborn clothes. His umbilical cord fell off when he was 3 weeks old, and he had his first tub bath on 9/28/13. He LOVES his bath even when I wash his hair. The only time he cries is when we take him out. He rolled from his tummy to his back on 9/26/13 during tummy time. He transitioned from Enfamil Enfacare to Enfamil Newborn formula and he gets a combo of formula and breastmilk. He only cries when he's hungry or I'm putting lotion on him. He loves to get lotion on his back, but screams when I put it on his tummy. He's gotten much better about getting his diaper changed, he only cries about 50% of the time and that's usually because he just got out of the bath or is hungry. He eats every 3 hours during the day and will go anywhere from 3-5 hours at night.

His schedule is:

8:30am - wake up time/eat/get dressed
9:30am - nap
11:30am - eat
12:30pm - nap
2:30pm - eat
3:30pm - nap
5:30pm - eat
8:30pm - eat

His last scheduled nap is 3:30pm, he does nap between 5:30 and 8:30pm but we try to distract him and keep him awake as much as possible. We also try to give him his bath and get his pjs on between the last 2 scheduled feedings. His last scheduled feeding is 8:30pm. After his 8:30pm feeding we let him sleep until he wakes up on his own and he usually goes at 3-5 hours between feedings at night. I'm going to start trying to stretch it to a schedule starting at 9am so that when the time change happens he'll be on an 8am schedule.

Here are some pictures from his 1 month photo shoot!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Kanaan's Newborn Photos

Here are some of the newborn photos we had taken of Kanaan. He was 3 weeks in these.