Monday, February 10, 2014

My New Favorite Meatloaf Recipe

I posted a meatloaf recipe a while back on here. I really liked it and then came across a recipe that had some "hidden" veggies in it that looked really good. I decided to combine the two recipes to make my own. I took different bits of each recipe to make my own version and Andy and I really like it. I've made it twice now and it's very good. I keep forgetting to take a picture of it, but here is the recipe.

Brittany's Meatloaf
3lbs ground beef or turkey (I usually use a mix)
2 eggs
2 c. plain bread crumbs
1 c. each of finely chopped carrots, celery, onion, bell pepper (I use red or yellow)
3/4c. grated parmesan cheese
1/2c ketchup
2 tsp garlic salt
2 tsp dried parsley
2 tbsp brown sugar

Mix all ingredients together and form into two loaves. Top with ketchup.  Place in 2 baking dishes and bake at 350 for 1 hour.

This makes 2 meat loaves, you can freeze one for later if you like. I have made it with only 2lbs of meat and kept the remaining ingredients the same to make 1 loaf also. 

I use my food processor to chop the veggies. The carrots are still a little firm in the meatloaf even when chopped extra fine, I think next time I may lightly steam the carrots to see if that works better. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Kanaan's Kronicles....5 Months!

Kanaan you are 5 Months old! This month was hard to get good pictures because you just wanted to chew on your fingers! 

As of 2/6/14 you are 13lbs 11oz and 25in long. You just moved into 3-6 month clothes, many of them are still big on you and you can still fit in several 0-3 month stuff, but we've mostly packed that size away.

 You started rolling over both ways really consecutively on January 6th. You love to sit in your jumparoo and play with the toys, you are so short that we have to put a pillow under your feet so you reach the bottom. You haven't learned to jump in it yet, though.
 You still love to watch tv, especially football. And talk all the time now.
 Some of your favorite games are peek-a-boo, pony boy, sticking out your tongue and this little piggie.
 You like to stand up and if we hold your hands, you will pull yourself up to stand and just stand and sit and stand and sit. You think it is great fun.
 You've started really noticing Pogo, and like to kick your feet at him. He thinks it's grand and will turn so you kick his belly.
 You almost always have your hands folded together and your feet crossed at the ankles. All the nurses at your doctor's office say you are always praying.
 You are in size 2 diapers now. We use cloth at home and during the day, and disposable overnight and on the go.  You are still in size 1 shoes, although I've noticed your socks are getting smaller, so I may try a size 2 on you soon.
The blanket Great Grandma Brown made me is so soft and cozy.
 We've switched to using Dr. Brown's bottles and it has really helped your spitting up. You sleep from 9-10ish to about 7am. You take 2 or 3 2-3 hour naps during the day. Some days you may only get 1 longer nap if we're really busy, but you don't seem to mind. You just go to bed earlier on those nights.