Monday, July 13, 2015

Kanaan's Kidney and Shriner's Update

We met with Kanaan's new pediatrician/nephrologist last week. She is very nice and very thorough. She took labs and his labs were overall good, his creatinine was stable. His vitamin D was low so we have started him on a supplement. His sodium was at the low end of normal, and his potassium was a tad low so she suggested we give him things like juice and fries occasionally. He asks for fries every single day, so that won't be a problem. We will re check his labs in a few weeks. She does want us to see a nephrologist in St. Louis at St. Louis Children's hospital in August. Basically  because she doesn't have the resources here that the nephrologist would there. Also once his function gets worse, we'll need to see the nephrologist there anyway, so we are establishing care now, to be prepared. We go to STLCH on August 24.

We also had Kanaan's appointment at Shriner's Hospital for Children last week as well. Kanaan is still not walking more than a few steps, and his physical therapist mentioned that his legs look knock kneed. Kayla had surgery at Shriner's when she was young for being knock kneed so, we definitely wanted to get it checked out.

We saw a Nurse Practitioner, Radiologist, and Physician. His xrays were normal, so he isn't knock kneed. It just looks like it because of the way he stands. They did say he has really loose joints and low muscle tone in his lower body. He was fitted for orthotics (SMO), they are small braces that will fit inside his shoe, they will help give his ankles support when he is walking. They also want us to meet with Neurology, regarding his low muscle tone. They said he doesn't have any other signs they would be concerned about, but they want to look into everything. We go back on August 14, for the neurology appointment and to pick up his braces. They warned us that the neurology appointments can take 2-3 hours, because they are very thorough.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Kanaan's 1st Birthday Party

Kanaan had a first birthday party on 9/6/14. We had it in our back yard and just had some family, friends over for cake and ice cream. Here are some pictures from it.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Pregnancy #2

 A year ago March we found out we were pregnant again! I was of course being a terrible blogger and never mentioned it on here, so I'll update with pictures.

I suspected it for about 2 weeks, but we officially found out on 3/14/14
Our first peak at Baby King 2.0 4/2/14

How we announced it! 4/1/14

Gender Reveal Picture!

Eden Hope King 11/2/14 9lbs 14oz 21in 6:54pm

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Kanaan's Kronicles...Getting Up to Date

It's been a crazy long time since I've blogged. I'll try to do a few update posts to get the blog up to date.

Here's an update on Kanaan. He'll be 22 months on the 4th! I can't believe he's almost 2! His last kidney appointment was in January. Our doctor ended up leaving the practice, so we will be seeing a new doctor next week for his kidneys. The good thing about the new doctor is that she is Quincy and does regular pediatrics as well, so we just transferred all his records to her. That way she knows everything from here on out.

He is talking a ton and taking steps on his own, but still not walking completely on his own. We go to Shriner's in St. Louis next week, to see what they have to say about it.

10 Months! 16lbs 6.5oz

11 Months! 17lbs 12oz

12 Months! 18lbs 2oz

15 Months! 18lbs 6oz 29in

18 Months! 19lbs 10oz 29.75in

21 Months! 21 lbs 2oz 32in