Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 2015 Menu

We usually only make 1 big trip to the grocery store each month. I sit down and create a list of meals for the month and list the ingredients we need to buy. I don't usually plan out each days meals, I just list the meals and then decided that day or the day before what I'm going to make. I may try to actually plan it out again, but for now this is working out.

I thought I'd list what's on our menu for this month and give a review about the dishes. Some of them are new, some we've had before.

Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Chicken Fajita Stuffed Peppers
Chicken Veggie Meatballs with Fettuccine Alfredo
Juicy Apple Turkey Burgers and Oven Fries
Sweet Potato and Kale Chicken Patties, with Cheesy Broccoli Orzo
Grilled Bruschetta Chicken, Salad, and Butter Herb Fettuccine
Skinny Chicken Cordon Bleu and Zucchini Casserole
Loaded Baked Sweet Potatoes
Pizza Turkey Burgers and Crock Pot Italian Potatoes
Baked Chicken, California blend, and Baked Potatoes
Veggie Cheesy Quinoa Casserole and Salad
Cheese Tortellini Veggie Lasagna Bake
Creamy Crock Pot Spaghetti and Garlic Bread
Creamy Beef Noodle Bake
Roasted Sausage, Sweet Potatoes and Peppers, with Buttered Noodles.

I haven't decided if I'll post individual recipe posts on each meal, or one at the end of the month reviewing them all. You can click on  the links to find the recipes.

What's on your menu this month?

Monday, August 3, 2015

Eden's Edition... 8 Month Update

Eden turned 8 months on 7/2/15.
She weighs 15lbs 12oz.

This month she got her first 2 teeth on the bottom on 6/13/15.

 On 6/14/15 She met my Grandpa Prior for the first time and started really sitting up on her own. She hasn't really been interested in sitting, before then, she will just crawl away or pull up to standing.
 On 7/2/15 she started saying Mama.
Getting her pictures this month was hard, because she just kept trying to crawl away.
I have a ton of pictures of the top of her bow, because of this. This picture sums up what this photo shoot was like.
She is in 3-6m clothes, size 2 shoes, size 2 disposable diapers, and small rise on cloth diapers.
She goes to bed between 7 and 7:30pm and will wake up around 8:30-9am.
Occasionally she will wake up in the night to eat, but not usually.
If she wakes up early (around 7) she will take a morning nap around 9 and another afternoon nap around 1. If she wakes up normal time she will just take one afternoon nap around 12 and sleep until 2:30-3
. She loves to play with Kanaan and follows him around the house.
She likes everything we've given her to eat, but she would rather not eat green beans.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Eden's Edition... Eden Hope 0-7m

Eden's monthly pictures 0-7m to get caught up on our sweet little girl.

9lbs 14oz 21in at birth

10lbs 7oz 22.5in

11lbs 7oz 23in

12lbs 3oz

12lbs 10oz 25.5in

13lbs 0.5oz 26in
13lbs 7oz 26.75in

14lbs 3oz 26.75in