Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Eden's 1st Birthday Party

We had a rainbow theme birthday party for Eden. 

I made the Cake and Kayla made the tutu! We used the tutu for Eden's 1yr Pictures too. 


Smash Cake

Side view of smash cake

Aunt Kayla also made Eden's dress and hair bows!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Eden's Edition ... 12 Month Update

Eden turned 1 year on 11/2/15! Where did my baby go?

She is in 12 month clothes and size 3 shoes.

Eden loves to play with Kanaan and will follow him wherever he goes. They are such good buddies.

She is standing for a few seconds on her own, and will walk if I hold one of her hands.

She is a good eater and eats pretty much everything I give her. She drinks from a sippy cup and straw. She won't drink her formula or breastmilk from a cup though, only a bottle. Once we run out of formula and frozen breastmilk I'll ditch the bottles for good, but I don't want to waste the formula and breastmilk. She is a much neater eater than her brother.

She loves to play peek a boo.

She is in size 3 diapers and medium rise on cloth diapers.

When she points at something she points using her index and middle fingers together.

She gives the best hugs and loves to snuggle.