Friday, July 9, 2010

Breakfast On The Go

So yeah, not doing so great on the updating. oh well...better late than never right?!

So my walking challenge was put on hold due to a broken toe. Thankfully my toe is healed and I'm back in my walking shoes!

I tried my first Once A Month Cooking recipe a couple of weeks ago. I made the Breakfast Burritos. I got the recipe from Once A Month Mom's blog. It's just a basic recipe and you can customize it to your own tastes.

I cooked 1 lb of bulk sausage and some onion

then 1 package of refrigerated shredded hash browns.

I set them aside while I scrambled 1 dozen eggs.

Then I combined the eggs, with the sausage & hash browns. To that I added 1 cup of salsa and 1 package of taco flavored cheese.

I used 20 fat free tortillas. They did keep breaking and that may be due to them being fat free, but that was what was on sale.

I put 1/4 cup of the mixture into each flour tortilla.

Wrapped them in foil and placed them in the freezer.

Each morning I just grab one, unwrap and microwave for 2 minutes! It's so handy and yummy!

I also made home made ham & cheese biscuit "hot pockets"

I made a simple white sauce, added 1 package of cheddar cheese and some cut up ham.

Placed about 1/4 cup into 2 triangles(1 rectangle) of crescent roll dough.

Folded them over and baked them until golden brown on the top. Once they had cooled I wrapped them individually in foil. When I want to eat them I prepare them like the burritos, except only microwave them 1 1/2 minutes. Now I can always have a good breakfast and I'm sure they are healthier than the store ones.

I hope to try some other breakfast recipe ideas that I can eat on the go.


  1. I hope you enjoyed them! Thanks for sharing the site with others. :)

  2. I just stumbled across your blog. The breakfast burritos sound really good! I think I will try these. You are right about the fat free tortillas. They do break easily.

  3. I cannot wait to try the breakfast burritos. They sound tasty!

  4. Mmmmmm! Making me hungry! I'm going to try the breakfast burritos for sure.
