Saturday, July 9, 2011

FLY BabyStep #25

Day 25

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening You have only been doing your routines for 25 days now. I am so proud of you. Keep in mind that you are not ever going to be perfect and we don't expect you to be. In fact we don't even like that "P" word. Right now you have your routines written down in your Control Journal. It will help you to practice them each day. These habits are not automatic yet; so you are still going to have to use your Control Journal, sticky notes and our reminders to help you establish your habits. Another tool you have is your calendar and stickers. We love giving ourselves a sticker when we are establishing a habit. I know that I have thrown a lot at you in the last 25 days but don't give up now. Every time you do your routine you are one step closer to developing your habit and running on automatic pilot. Today I want you to read how I started developing my routines one habit at a time. It took me several months to do this and here I am expecting you to get it in four weeks. Well here is the deal; I don't expect you to do this in one month. Be nice to yourself and don't beat yourself up. Your consistent BabySteps will get you there.

Now go give yourself a gold star for doing your Morning Routine.

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