Wednesday, July 13, 2011

FLY BabyStep #29

Day 29

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening
We have worked very hard this past month. I hope that you have become familiar with our email FLY Washing system and you are seeing some progress in your home. It took me nine months of building my routines one habit at a time to get our home running on automatic pilot. Please do not beat yourself up over this. Anything you do today is better than it used to be! Celebrate each accomplishment and enjoy the process. Before you know it you will be having more time for the things that you love to do.
Right now I want you to look at the bottom of our homepage and find the weekly Pamper Mission and read it. Then think about when you are going to do it. You may have to put it on your calendar to really make it happen.

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