Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Recap

Wow what a year of changes! Last year at this time I would never have dreamed I'd be where I am today, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

  • Dumped by the 2nd guy I'd been talking to in two weeks.
  • Decided I wasn't looking anymore. 
  • Concentrated on improving myself. 
  • Told by 3 different people to join Christian Mingle within a week or so. 
  • Saw Christian Mingle commercial and decided to give it a try, even though I was pretty sure it would be a waste of time. 
  • Met Andy the night I joined and instantly hit it off. 
  • We started dating the next week.
  • Sprained my ankle when Andrew and I went to St. Louis to a Boyce Avenue Concert. 
  • Started My Fitness Pal
  • Drank my last soda on April 9
  • Lost my job at Robert Morris University
  • Grandma's 80th Birthday Party
  • Dog sitting Duke while Grandma had her Kidney Removed
  • Started temporary job at Blue Cross Blue Sheild
  • Got engaged!!!!!
  • Quit working at Carthage Public Library
  • Job at BCBS ended
  • First Bridal shower. (Andrew's Family)
  • Started working at Gem City Chiropractic
  • Second bridal shower. (My family and friends)
  • Third bridal shower (My church family)
  • I turned 27! (the same age as my mom when she married my dad)
  • Got MARRIED!!!
  • Andy turns 32!
  • Our First Thanksgiving as a couple.
  • Our First Christmas as a couple

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year for Halloween Pogo was a giraffe. His favorite toy is a tiny yellow giraffe named "Jeffers", so when I saw the giraffe costume at Petco I had to buy it. It was a little big for him and he didn't like to wear the hood. When he had the hood on he couldn't see forward only down. We were in the kitchen and he had the hood down and ended up walking right into Andrew's leg. It was so funny. We laughed and laughed. Now on to the pictures.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A new blog name and an update!

Hi all! It has been so long since my last post! I will try to keep up better now that I'm MARRIED! Things are beginning to settle down and hopefully I'll be able to post more frequently. I'll try to upload some engagement photos soon and then eventually wedding photos. We are still trying to get all the wedding photos uploaded. Also I decided on The King Kronicles for the new blog name! Well I better get supper started.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Search For The New Blog Name!

So I'd like to change the blog title to reflect the changes happening in my life after the wedding. I have no idea what to call it. I'd like to name it something associated with my new name as it will become an update for what's going on in our new family together. I'm asking you for suggestions. Here is some info to help you think of a fun new name. King will be my new last name, so some cute pun/saying involving the word king would be great or with our names Brittany and Andrew, our new joint email account is so maybe something like that. I want something unique and fun. Please help me out!!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Catching Up plus BIG NEWS!

I have been a terrible blogger lately. Here is a quick recap of what's been happening in my life.

  • May 4th, I was let go from Robert Morris University because of cutbacks
  • On June 25th I started a temporary job at Blue Cross Blue Shield answering phone calls dealing with MLR it has to do with the Obamacare decision. The job only lasts until August 24th or maybe sooner as the project is not generating the expected response.
  • July 3rd, Andrew proposed! We are engaged!!!! The wedding date is September 22nd! Engagement story to follow.
  • July 4th, told our families.
  • July 6th, I found my wedding dress. 
  • July 7th, pool party at Aunt Stacey's 
That's a really quick recap to catch you up on the major happenings in my life. I will try to update more frequently but can't promise anything.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Date Night!!!

A few weeks ago, my sweetie Andrew and I went on a date night. We went to the mini golf/putt putt golf course in Quincy. It was so much fun, and when we got there we found out that during the summer if you have your max card (from the County Market grocery store) you can get $2 off on putt putt. The price is regularly $5/person which is a pretty good price anyway, but we were able to play for $6 for both of us! It was a beautiful night and we got there at just the right time before a huge crowd hit. 

Our Score Card. I WON!!!! Andrew was only 1 point behind though!

About to Putt!

Having Fun!

Looking Good!

Hole in ONE!
Concentrating hard
Stray Ball!

Monday, June 11, 2012

MFP Week 9!

This week I lost 1.2lbs!!! YAY! I've started walking this week so I think that's really helping! I also started doing Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer yesterday. I'm hoping this loss trend continues!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Fitness Pal Month 2 Update!

Month 2 Update AS OF 6/9/12
Monthly Weight Loss:+ 2.4lbs :(
MFP Weight Loss: 6.3lbs
Total Weight Loss: 10.6lbs

This month I gained almost 2 1/2 pounds! ICK. It was a very stressful month and I know I wasn't as strict on my eating/tracking as I should've been.


Monday, June 4, 2012

MFP Week 8 Update!

This week I lost 0.4lbs YAY a loss! 2 month photos to come!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

MFP Week 6 Update!

This week I lost 0.6lbs. It's still a loss!

Monday, May 14, 2012

MFP Week 5 Update!

This week I gained 0.8lb I did weigh on a different scale so maybe that's what's up. I don't know. I'm not thrilled at all, but at least it's under a pound.

My Fitness Pal Month 1 Update!

Month 1 Update AS OF 5/8/12
Monthly Weight Loss: 8.7lbs
MFP Weight Loss: 8.7lbs
Total Weight Loss: 13lbs

Now time for pictures!

I thought it'd be fun to do a comparison from when I was at my heaviest when I started weight watchers last February, a year ago in last May, and now. Let me know if you see any differences.

Heaviest - February 2011
May 2011
May 2012

February 2011

May 2011

May 2012

Do I look any different?

Monday, May 7, 2012

MFP Week 4 Update!

This week I lost 2.8lbs! YAY!!! I'm hoping to do a 1 month post this week with all my stats and a picture!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Flower Cupcakes

I made these cupcakes for a bake sale at work. They are a fun easy activity that kids would love to help with. Just cut mini marshmallows in half diagonally so the form a flower petal shape. Place them in a baggie of colored sugar and shake. The sugar will stick to the cut side of the marshmallow. Arrange the petals on the cupcakes around a small round candy. Thats it they are done and so cute.

My Fitness Pal Week 3

This week i lost 0.8lbs so yay for a loss!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Breakfast Muffins

Breakfast Muffins
1 cup egg beaters
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup quick oats
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
5 frozen Banquet turkey sausage links, cut up
1/2 cup shredded carrot
1/2 cup shredded cheese
1/4 cup green onions

Spray muffin pans heavily with cooking spray, set aside. Preheat oven to 375F. In a medium bowl mix egg beaters and applesauce, set aside. In a large bowl mix, flour, oats, baking powder and salt. Add egg mix to dry ingredients stir until just mixed. Add in sausage, carrot, cheese and green onions.Bake 14 to 16 minutes or until tops are browned and lightly spring back when touched. Serve warm.

These are really good. Don't be scared off by the applesauce and carrots! I made 18 so mine are 65 calories each. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Broccoli Chicken Rollups

 I loved these. They are super quick and easy. They would be a perfect appetizer for a get together or party, or even great for a kids menu. They are less than 200 calories each when using light mayo and would probably be even less if you substitued mayo with plain yogurt.

Broccoli Chicken Rollups
1 c. chicken, cooked and chopped
1/2 c. carrots, finely chopped
1/2 c. broccoli, finely chopped
1/4 c. mayo
1 clove garlic minced
1/2 tsp dill weed
1 pkg refrigerated crescent roll dough

Mix first 6 ingredients together. On a baking sheet separate dough triangles. Place spoonful of filling in each triangle of dough. Roll up. Bake at 375F for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fiesta Chicken Pie

Fiesta Chicken Pie (makes 2 pies)
2 pkgs refrigerated pie crust
1 jar (16oz) salsa
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 pkg (24oz) frozen corn
2 cans (9.75oz each) chunk chicken, drained
1 can (15oz) black beans, drained and rinsed

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Bring pie crust to room temperature.

Mix salsa, soup, sour cream, cheese, corn, chicken and beans in large bowl.

Line 2 pie pans with one crust each. Divide filling amoung the pans and cover with remaining crust. Cut slits in the top to release steam. Line edges of pan with foil to prevent the crust from getting over done on the edges.

Bake 30 minutes, then remove foil and bake for a remaining 15 minutes or until crust is golden.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Skillet BBQ Chicken

This recipe was a hit at our house. It took about 30 minutes to make so it's nice for a quick supper.

4 chicken breasts thawed
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp pepper
2/3c BBQ sauce
2/3c applesauce*
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp chili powder

Heat oil in a skillet. Sprinkle chicken breasts with pepper on both sides. Brown in skillet on both sides. In the meantime mix bbq sauce, applesauce, brown sugar and chili powder. Once chicken has browned on both sides, add sauce and cover. Continue cooking until chicken is done.

*The original recipe called for chunky applesauce, I didn't have that so I just used plain and it was really good. I think the chunky would have apple pieces in it, where the regular applesauce, just thickened the bbq sauce and made it a bit sweeter.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Fitness Pal Week 2 Update!

This week I gained 1.6lbs :(  The only thing I can think of is that I didn't drink as much water this week. Technically I am still down from my starting weight so that's good, but I definitely do not want to gain  any more. I'm still loving the program and hoping that this weeks gain is just a balance because I lost so much last week.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Weight Loss Update!

So weight watchers isn't really working for me anymore. Andrew's family is doing My Fitness Pal and I thought I'd try it too. Our whole house is doing it and I've lost 6.7lbs the first week!!! It's pretty easy to follow, it's just a calorie counting program. I have an app on my phone that I can scan bar codes on food and it will show how many calories and makes it easy to add to my calorie diary. It helps that almost everyone I'm around is following the program too!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2 Month Anniversary!

Today is Andrew and my 2 month anniversary. I thought it was the perfect time to share with you how we met.

I had been on eHarmony for a little over 3 years. I met someone right away and it ended up being a bad relationship, we broke up about a year later. Over the next two years I talked to a few guys here and there, but never actually met someone. Right before Christmas I started talking to a guy and met him for supper. Things were going well or so I thought until a few days before Christmas when he emailed and told me it wouldn't work out. About a week later another guy and I started talking and made plans to meet up. Everything was going well, then a few days before our date, he called and said it wasn't going to work out. I was pretty upset, this was the second time this had happened in 2 weeks! I decided then that I wasn't looking for anyone else and really wasn't interested in finding anybody.

My sister had convinced me to join christianmingle in early December. I hadn't really done anything at all with it. I got the emails everyday saying "here are your new matches" but I just deleted them. I wasn't really interested at all in finding anyone. One week in late January/early February christianmingle was mentioned to me by 3 different people (who didn't know I was on it), then I saw a commercial about it too. I thought "maybe someone is trying to tell me something" I decided to log on and see what it was about it.

I searched my matches and came across a few profiles I liked. I sent "smiles" which is like a hi to a few guys. One of them being Andrew. I also decided to go ahead and subscribe for a month, but didn't really expect anything to happen because of it. Later that night I got a christianmingle message from Andrew asking if I'd like to chat(IM) on christian mingle. We started chatting and 3 hours later realized we both only had a few hours to sleep before church, so we exchanged numbers and went to bed. The next day we spent the day texting each other and then finally talked on the phone that night. We ended up talking for another 3 hours. We continued to text and talk throughout the week and met the next Friday night. We hit it off immediately. Neither of us were even nervous on our date because we felt like we already knew each other. We were both about ready to give up on finding anyone and feel incredibly blessed that God brought each other into our lives. In the past two months we've gotten to know and love each other and our families. If I could create my perfect match, I wouldn't be able to make as good a match for me as Andrew is.

This is our first picture together, taken at our Valentine's Day celebration.

Sometimes the best things in life come when you least expect them!

Saturday, March 31, 2012


This is one of my favorite desserts. One of the best parts of it is that its made with staples you always have on hand!
1/4 c. Melted Butter or Margarine
1 c. Light Brown Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 c. Flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla
Combine all ingredients. Spread in a greased baking dish and bake at 350 for 12-20 minutes.
This makes enough for a 9x9 pan.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fiesta Chicken & Rice Wraps

This is a super quick and easy recipe!

Fiesta Chicken & Rice Wraps
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup
1 cup chunky salsa
1/2 cup water
1 cup uncooked instant white rice
2 cups cubed cooked chicken
4 (10in) flour tortillas

Mix soup, salsa and water in saucepan. Heat to a boil.

Stir in rice and chicken. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes.

Spoon about 1 cup chicken mixture down center of each tortilla. Fold tortilla around filling.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chicken Nugget Casserole

One of my favorite dishes! It's like a really easy to make Chicken Parmesan.

Chicken Nugget Casserole

1 12oz package chicken nuggets
1 jar spaghetti sauce
mozzerella cheese

Cook enough pasta to cover a 9x13 pan. Layer frozen nuggets on top of pasta, cover with sauce then cheese.

Bake at a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until cheese is melted and nuggets are hot.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Catching Up

Wow it has almost been a month since I've blogged! Where has the time gone? Here's what's happened since we last talked. 

  • I have a new boyfriend Andrew! We met in February right before valentine's day! Details to come. 
  • Andrew and I went to a concert in St. Louis in mid March right around our 1 month anniversary, pics coming. 
  • We were able to stay with Kayla! It was fun to spend time with her even though it was very short. 
  • I sprained my ankle a few hours before the concert. We almost didn't go but I'm glad we did.
  • I have a few more recipes to post soon. 
  • I have slacked off on the weekly habits so I will do 2 habits per week until I'm caught up. 
I think that about sums it up. I will try to stay on top of things better now. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Growing up I was not a meatloaf fan at all, until I tried this recipe. It's a bit sweeter than the one I grew up with and doesn't have green peppers, of which I am also not a fan.


2lbs Hamburger
2 Eggs
1/2 - 3/4 sleeve crushed crackers
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp salt
Sprinkle of onion powder
Ketchup to top

Mix first 7 ingredients together and form into a loaf. Place in a baking dish and cover with ketchup. Bake 1 hour at 350.

* The recipe above makes a larger meatloaf than the one shown. I used it to make stuffed peppers and then baked the rest of the meatloaf.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Taco Casserole

Taco Casserole

1 lb Ground Beef or Turkey
1 tube Refrigerated Crescent Roll Dough
1 pkg Taco Seasoning (or the equivelent if using homemade)
1 bag Doritos, crushed
1 c. Sour Cream
1/4 c. Ranch Dressing
Cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Cook meet until browned and drain off fat. Add taco seasoning and water called for on seasoning packet.

Mix sour cream and ranch dressing. 

Spread the crescent roll dough in the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch pan. Cover the rolls with 1/2 of the crushed chips. Sprinkle with taco meat. Cover meat with sour cream mixture. Cover with cheese then the rest of the chips.

Bake for 35 minutes and enjoy!

Monday, February 27, 2012

WW Week 53 & 54 Update!

I didn't do very well the last few weeks. I didn't really track at all or exercise and I'm paying for it. I was out of town last Monday so I didn't weigh in and I forgot about it until the week was almost over. When I weighed in this morning I had gained 4lbs since my last weigh in :( This week I am getting back on track.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Valentine's Decorations!

A peek of our Valentine's decorations!

Top on entertainment center.

Close up of the Picture frame. The black words spell out 1 Corinthians 4.

Close up of candles. The red in the vase candles are red hots.

Left side of entertainment center. The roses are darker red than they show up on the picture.

Angled view of entertainment center.

Foyer decorations. The LOVE is wire wrapped with yarn.

I made the rosettes with ribbon and shaped them into a heart.

Heart garland I crocheted to put around the upstairs banister.

Close up of garland.

Corner cabinet. The vase on top shelf is filled with Conversation Heart candies.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Red Velvet Cookies with Cheesecake Filling!

I took these cookies to the office today for Valentine's Day and they were a hit! They aren't really hard, but are quite detailed. But in my opinion they look super cute and the taste is worth the work. DELICIOUS!!!

Red Velvet Cookies with Cheesecake Filling
For the cookies:
 1 box Red Velvet Cake Mix
 2 tbsp Flour
 2 large eggs
 1/2 c. oil
 1 tsp vanilla

For the filling:
 4oz cream cheese
 2 c. Powdered Sugar
 1 tsp vanilla

For the Topping:
 White chocolate chips or almond bark

1. Mix cake mix and flour. Whisk until all lumps are gone.  Mix together cake mix/flour mix, eggs, oil and vanilla until smooth. Wrap dough in plastic wrap. The dough will be oily. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.

2. Using a mixer combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla until smooth. Using a 1/2 tsp scoop out mix and form into balls. Place balls on a plate and put in freezer for at least 2 hours.

3. Preheat the oven to 350. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Take about 1/8 cup of cookie dough and flatten into your hands. Place a ball of filling in the center of dough and wrap it around the filling and roll into a ball. Make sure their are no holes for it to leak out.

4. Place onto baking sheet. The cookies will spread so space them out. Bake for 11-13 minutes or until they start to look "crackled". Let them cool on the cookie sheet for 5 minutes. They will be all puffy when you take them out of the oven but will flatten & firm up while they cool. After 5 minutes transfer them to a cooling rack.

5. Once cooled, drizzle with melted white chocolate if desired.

I think these would be good using any cake mix. You could customize it to whatever theme you wanted. I forgot to get a picture of what the inside looks like but it's just cookie with a bit of white filling in the middle. They are SO yummy!

Monday, February 13, 2012

WW Week 52!

Can you believe tomorrow is 1 year of doing weight watchers! WOW what a year it's been. I will try to get a picture taken tomorrow to compare.

This week I lost 1.6lbs!!! WHOO HOO!!! I worked out each day Monday-Friday, I stuck to my points pretty closely all week so I had plenty to eat out a few times this weekend and still be ok. Plus I had exercise points I could've eaten too, but didn't have to. I'm getting closer to getting back to my smallest.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

52 Weeks To A Better Me...Week #6 - Exercise Routine!

This week's project was to exercise everyday. I did take a break today, but I exercised Monday-Friday without skipping a day! I hope this makes a difference with my weight watchers results soon!

Monday, February 6, 2012

WW Week 51 Update!

This week I lost 3.2lbs! Whoo - Hoo! I'm not exactly sure how it happened. I did track points, but I also ate out quite a bit too. I guess it doesn't really matter, I'm just happy with the results!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

52 Weeks To A Better Me - Week #5...Monthly Menu

This weeks project is a menu for the whole month. The way we all get paid it works out easier if we go grocery shopping in one big monthly trip rather than several smaller ones. In order to do that easier I made up a menu of all the foods we will be making/eating for the month. I'm going to try to post the recipes as we make them or maybe in a weekly recipe post and in my month end review I will try to post all the recipes for the month. Here is what is on the menu for February.

Taco Soup
Fish Stick Casserole
Corned Beef Hash
Taco Casserole
Beef Pot Pie
Swedish Meatballs
Chicken Tacos
Teriyaki Chicken
Fiesta Chicken & Rice Wraps
Fiesta Chicken Pie
Sloppy Joes
Chicken Nugget Casserole
Crispy Chicken Salad
Cheesy Enchilada Bake
Bar - B Cups
Lemon Butter Fish
Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese
Caesar Pockets
Stuffed Peppers

I can't wait to see how it works!

Friday, February 3, 2012

52 Weeks To A Better Me - Month 1 Review

Each month I'm going to update how I'm doing with each weekly habit.

Week #1- Homemade Make-up Remover Wipes - Still loving them! Even if I don't have make-up on I try to use a wipe each night to just clean my face. They make my face very soft and I haven't noticed any breakout problems at all.

Week #2 - Cleaning Routine - I haven't been very consistent with this at all. My goal is to keep trying to stick with it.

Week #3 - Homemade Beeswax Lotion - I have used up all of my jar and loved it. It made my skin feel so soft and really helped with the dryness. I could tell an immediate difference when I used it and then when it ran out. I need to make more. It is very thick and quite greasy, I do have a few variations I can add to the recipe to make it thinner and not as greasy that I may try when I make more, I will let you know.

Week #4 - Homemade Granola - We loved this and would have made a second batch but didn't have all the ingredients on hand. Next time I make it I'm going to replace the walnuts with an extra cup of almonds and the sunflower seeds with an extra cup of oats. I think that will suit our tastes better. I will update the original post with the results.

Monday, January 30, 2012

WW Week 50 Update!

Can you believe we are only 2 weeks away from my weight watchers 1 year anniversary?! Crazy! This week I lost 1.4 pounds!!! YAY I'm finally losing again. With the weather warmer this week I hope to do some walking to help with that also.

Friday, January 27, 2012

52 Weeks To A Better Me - Week #4...Make Your Own...Granola!

This week I made my own granola cereal! It was great! We've already eaten the whole batch (and would've eaten more if I had enough ingredients to make more).

It's very easy to make and so customizeable! The recipe I used called for pecans, which we don't like so we left them out, and sunflower kernals which I put in, but will probably leave out next time.

This is the recipe I tried.

Honey Nut Granola
4c. Rolled Oats
1c. Sliced Almonds
1c. Chopped Pecans
1c. Raw Sunflower Seeds
1/3c. Canola Oil
1/2c. Honey
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tbsp Cinnamon

Mix together nuts and oats in a large bowl.

Mix wet ingredients, then pour over oats. Stir to evenly coat.

Spread granola on two cookie sheets. Bake in a preheated 300 degree oven for 10 minutes, stir then bake 10 minutes more or until golden.

It smells wonderful while baking and despite the cinnamon in it, it really isn't noticeable at all. We ate it on yogurt (vanilla and fruit flavored) and with milk and love it. This will definitely be our go to granola from now on. I will probably try to use 2 c almonds to replace the pecans and an extra cup of oats to replace the sunflower seeds next time.

Monday, January 23, 2012

WW Week 49!

This week I stayed pretty close to tracking everything I ate. When I weighed in I was exactly the same as the week before, even to the tenth of a pound! So I didn't lose anything but I didn't gain anything also!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pogo's Christmas Spirit

Pogo showed his Christmas spirit by sporting his "Reindeer In Training" hoodie. It has antlers on the hood with bells on the ends of the antlers.

He thought the most comfy spot to sit was on my basket of freshly folded clean clothes.

Friday, January 20, 2012

200th Post!!! 52 Weeks To A Better Me - Week #3 /Make Your Own...Beeswax Lotion!

This is my 200th post!!!!

I recently made some beeswax lotion.  It was super easy! It's a very thick "salve" type of lotion. Several comments about it said it helped with their eczema, I'm hoping it will help with the few patches I have. I made some for my sister, and roommates too.

Beeswax Lotion
1 c. Olive Oil
1/2 c. Coconut Oil
1/2 c. Beeswax (I used the pastilles, they are easier to melt and measure)
1/2 tsp Vitamin E Oil (about 5 capsules cut open and squeezed out)(optional)
20 drops Essential Oil (optional)

Mix Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, and Beeswax in a pint canning jar. Put this jar in a saucepan and put water in the saucepan until it comes 3/4 of the way up the jar, being very careful not to get water into the lotion. Heat on low/medium heat until all the wax melts, stirring occasionally. Once melted remove jar and set on the counter to cool, stirring every 10-15 minutes or so with a fork. Once the lotion has cooled to room temperature, add the vitamin E oil and essential oils. I used white beeswax pastilles, so if you use the natural yellowish ones your lotion will be a little darker. It does leave a greasy feeling right at first, but that quickly soaks in. If you'd like to make it thinner, just leave a tbsp or so of the beeswax out of the lotion. I've also read that you can cut down on some of the greasiness by adding 2-3tsp of  cornstarch when you add the vitamin E oil and essential oil. I made the recipe exactly as written (minus the essential oils as I didn't have any). I may try to play around with it in the future, if I do I'll definitely let you know the outcome.

My roommates and I have been using the lotion all week now. My skin felt noticeably better the first morning after I applied the lotion the night before. I've been applying it each night before I go to bed. It is quite thick and greasy feeling when you first put it on. I found the greasiness absorbed fairly quickly on my hands and took a bit longer on the rest of me to soak in. Putting it on right before I go to bed helps to "mask" the greasiness, because it has already absorbed by the next morning. It has seemed to help my eczema patches, they feel smoother and are not as red. I would definitely make this again to use as a nightly body cream, however it's not really something you would use as a hand lotion. I found that when I reapplied it to my hands repeatedly it made them feel filmy or "dry" it was weird. My hands feel fine each night when I slather the lotion all over me before bed though. My roommates also said their skin felt much smoother and not as dry after using the lotion for just a few days.