Tuesday, January 22, 2013

4 Weeks! (1/15/13)

Today we found out our family is growing by 2 little feet! Baby K is the size of a poppy seed this week. I've been feeling ok overall, only a few waves of nausea and a sore chest. I've had some mild cramping that started at 3weeks along, which made me wonder what was going on in there. We had been doing the Natural Family Planning method and I had been taking my basal body temperature each morning before I got up. My temp didn't drop after ovulation as it usually did and just kept getting higher, which was unlike my usual cycles, so I started to suspect right away. I was supposed to "start" Monday and we decided to wait until Tuesday morning to test if I hadn't seen "Aunt Flo" by then. I ended up taking 3 different tests over a few days to "make sure". We are very excited and so are our families! We are due September 24th two days after our anniversary. I hope the baby doesn't come on our anniversary, just so it can have it's own day.
This is the official test we took Tuesday morning that told us Baby K was coming!

I took this one Tuesday night. I was just curious to see if the second line would show up in the evening. It sure did!
I took this test Sunday just because I was being neurotic and freaking out that something was wrong. The test line popped up even before the control line. 

Here is my 4 week belly shot. No difference yet. Please excuse my messy hair. It was the end of the day and we had been all over announcing the big news.

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