Monday, September 2, 2013

Kanaan Week 35 and 36 Update and Induction Date Is Set!

Week 35 Updates:

On 8/19/13 Kanaan got a 10/10 on the BPP/NST. The fluid level was 7cm and he was still head down.

On 8/22/13 Kanaan got a 10/10 on the BPP/NST. The fluid level was 9.2cm and he was still head down.

Week 36 Updates:

On 8/26/13 Kanaan got a 10/10 on the BPP/NST. The fluid level was at 12cm and he was still head down. This was my last visit with the regular OB.

On 8/29/13 I had my appointment with Dr. A the specialist. Kanaan's fluid was at 15.6cm! Dr. A said "You have a miracle baby!". They measured Kanaan and he weighs approximately 6lbs 13oz. He checked to see if I was starting to dilate at all, he said I was less than 1cm dilated but more than a 0. Since I wasn't really dilated much, we will go in to the hospital on Tuesday 9/3/13 in the afternoon. They will start the cervadil, a medicine to help the cervix soften and dilate that night and then the next morning they will start the pitocin to get contractions and labor going. He said Kanaan should be here by Wednesday night!  About 10% of women will go into labor with just the cervadil and not need the pitocin, I hope that happens with me. I'd really like everything to go as naturally as possible. He said that as long as Kanaan is crying and breathing and looks good I will be able to hold him right away and nurse him as soon as possible. The NICU doctors will be in the room when he's born as well so that if he does need any help they are right there.

Even though the fluid has gone up and he's done fantastically, he was still without fluid during the crucial time when his lungs were developing. This means we won't know if he will have enough lung tissue to support him once he's born. If this is the case there is nothing they can do to help him breath and he won't make it.  Please pray that Kanaan is able to pass over this last hurdle and amaze the doctors once again with how well he's doing. I believe God is using Kanaan's story as a testimony to what He can do!!

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