Monday, September 28, 2015

Kanaan's Kronicles...2 Year Update!

Kanaan turned 2 years old on September 4th! I can't believe he's old enough to say his age in years rather than months now.

He is 21 lbs 11oz and 32inches. There seems to be some discrepancy among doctors offices regarding his height. One place says he's almost 31.5 one place says 32 and one place says 32.5. I'm going to go with 32, since it's in the middle.

He has almost all of his teeth except his 2 year molars in.

Kanaan is in size 18m clothes. Mainly for length, some of them even fall down when he walks because they are big around his waist. He can still wear his 12m shorts fine.

He is in size 3 shoes without his braces on. When he's wearing his braces on he has to wear size 5 shoes to get them to fit in though.

He is in size 3 disposable diapers and large rise cloth diapers.

Kanaan started walking around a lot after his Shriner's appointment on 7/9/15. By the time we went back on 8/14/15 he was pretty much completely walking. I do think he walks better with his braces on, to give his ankles some stability.

Kanaan says a lot of words. Way more than I can count. He pretty much just repeats whatever we say. He says consistently says 3-4 word sentences. He recently starting counting, and can say the following number when we stop counting, up to ten. He also recognizes numbers he sees. He always knows 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 He sometimes will call 6 a 9. He knows 9 comes after 8, because Kayla and I were counting something and we stopped at 8 and he said "9" completely unprompted.

He sleeps from 7-7 and takes one 2-3 hour nap around 12.

Kanaan loves most fruit. Currently he isn't really fond of melon or blueberries. He loves applesauce, bananas, strawberries, fresh pineapple, grapes, etc. He also likes most vegetables. He isn't a fan of green beans very well, but loves peas, carrots, corn, mixed veggies, etc. Kanaan is currently going through a no meat phase. He won't eat hamburgers, chicken, ham, turkey, hot dogs, lunch meat, etc. The only way I can get him to eat meat is if it is really mixed in with other stuff, like spaghetti or a casserole. He will also eat the gerber graduates chicken and carrot ravioli and turkey and veggie ravioli. I don't buy them very often, but they are nice to have on hand when I need something quick that I know he will eat. He isn't really into eggs at all, but will eat peanut butter. Beans are hit or miss on whether he will eat it. He will always eat cheese. Cheese and crackers, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, quesadilla, etc. He also will eat tuna mixed with mac and cheese and veggies.

He started Preschool Story Hour at the library in Mendon the beginning of September. It is every Wednesday morning. He was the youngest one in the class, 3 kids were almost 3 and one was already 3 or almost 4. At first he couldn't understand why he couldn't go read the all the books and had to sit on the carpet. But he quickly caught on. I will say in some ways you could tell he was the youngest, as far as his attention span. They had an activity that had stars with numbers written on them, then the kids had to match the stars to stars written on the white board with dots in the middle. Each kid got one number to match up.  Kanaan was the only one out of all the kids that recognized and would say "3 star" "2 star" "5 star". He loved this game, because stars are one of his favorite things. He got the 5 star to match up and 5 is one of his favorite numbers. They even sent home numbered and dotted stars home with the kids to match on their own. I was a little nervous about how he would do at story hour being so young, but he did really well. They alternated reading with some songs, the star activity, and then they did a coloring craft and had a snack. He was also excited to bring home some books to check out. He loves to "reap".

His favorite characters are Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse. Sesame Street is a little higher on his totem pole. He can name: Elmo, Cookie Monster (he calls him "Me" I think because that's how he talks), Ernie, Bert, Oscar, Murray, Zoey, Abby, Big Bird, and Grover. He loves to watch Brainy Baby, Bilingual Baby, Signing Time, and of course Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

 He loves blocks, books, puzzles, trains, cars, balls. Kanaan is still really good about playing by himself. He also really likes to play with Eden. He will often say to me "Play" and go back to the play room to play while I'm cooking. Eden will usually follow him back there too and they are entertained while I'm cooking, which is nice. Before we made the play room they used to just cry for food at my feet while I tried to cook, which wasn't helpful for anybody.

He loves his "emament" elephant. Which is a small light blue blanket with white stars and an elephant head. It also jingles. He latched on to it when I was in the hospital having Eden, and doesn't sleep well without it. The rule is that he has to stay in his crib, but he will often go in there and grab it out and carry it around before we catch him. I had to buy a second one because with his kidney disease he wets so much overnight that when elephant was in the wash Kanaan wouldn't sleep at night. Now we have two so one can always be clean. I also bring elephant when we go to a dr appointment that may need testing like ultrasound or xrays just in case we need a distraction.

Kanaan gets very concerned about where people are if he can't see them. For instance, if we go shopping as a family and Andy and I each take a cart with one kid in it, he will say "Where Mama Sissy?" or "Where Dada Sissy?" if he can't see the other people. He doesn't like it when other kids cry. He usually starts crying if Eden is crying, and does not like it when Eden gets in trouble. Sometimes he is more upset than Eden is about it. He doesn't like loud noises such as the vacuum, public toilets, hand dryers, car alarms, my mixer(which isn't really loud, but I guess I usually do mixing when the kids are napping so he isn't familiar with it).

Every time we see a restaurant he asks for fries. Even whenever we drive through somewhere, including the bank. He constantly takes off his shoes in the car, and can sometimes get his braces off too. We have to include an extra 5 minutes of shoe putting on time when we go places. I'm thinking once rainy/winter weather starts I will just take off his shoes when I put him in the car so he doesn't get mud and gunk all over the car seat. I can't put anything to protect them because since I have a car not an suv or van, my backseats don't have a back to them, and I also don't have any headrests in the back seat to attach anything to protect the tan fabric.

Kanaan will give something to Eden, like the remote, and then say "no no Sissy" and take it away from her. He also loves Pogo. He calls him either "Popo" or "the Pogz" He will also randomly say "Beat it Pogz" We call Pogo either Pogo or Pogz(p-OH-gz).

One of his favorite games is to put his hand in his sleeve if it's long and say "Where's a hand?" then pop it out and say "Oh a hand!" LOL

He still LOVES music. He is always asking me to sing something to him. His current favorites are "Hurrah" (The Ants Go Marching), and "Happy to You" (Happy Birthday). We had to practice the Birthday Song before his party, because we had a birthday party for one of Andy's cousin's a few weeks before Kanaan's birthday and he burst into tears when everyone started singing. Luckily at his party he liked the song. We were outside instead of all in one room, so that may have helped too. He sings Happy Birthday all day long. "Happy to YOOOUUU, Happy to YOOOUUU, Happy to YOOOUUU Pogz" sometimes he will add different people, but usually Pogo is the recipient. If a song comes on the radio or tv he likes he will stand up in the middle of the floor and clap.

He also loves to "rock rock". He will climb onto my lap, lay his head down on my shoulder, and say "Rock Rock" and I sing "Rock Rock, Rock Rock, Rock a little Kanaan" and then he will go through a variety of names for me to "rock" usually Mama, Sissy, Tayta(Kayla), Dada, Elmo, Pogz.

Kanaan is so funny and makes us laugh every day! He is such a blessing, and a joy to our lives. We can't imagine our life without this little boy

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