Friday, October 30, 2015

Eden's Edition...11 Month Update!

Eden turned 11 months on 10/2/15! I can't believe she's almost one already. 

She weighed 18lbs even. 

 She is in a mix of size 2 and 3 shoes. 

She is in size 3 disposable diapers, and medium rise in cloth diapers. 

She is in 6-9m (9m) clothes but the pants are getting short. 

She learned to drink out of a straw this month. She still eats pretty much anything you give her. She is drinking a mix of breastmilk and formula in her bottles. 

She won't leave headbands on anymore so I usually put her hair in pigtails. 

She says Mama Dada Hi Aww. 

Eden sleeps from 7pm-7am and then takes a 2-3 hour nap around noon. 

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