Saturday, January 28, 2017

Keeping Up With Kanaan...3 Year 3 Month Update!

On December 4th Kanaan turned 3 years 3 months old!

He weighs 25lbs 6oz and is 34.75in long.

He is wearing 3T shirts, but can still wear 18m pants. 3T pants are too big around the waist, but are long enough. He pretty much has to wear sweat pants or his pants fall off him, even the 24M/2T ones.

He loves to sing "The Little Drummer Boy", "ABC", "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", "Jesus Loves Me", and the Paw Patrol Theme song.

Paw Patrol is his favorite show, but Veggie Tales is a close second.

Kanaan loves reading.

He is wearing size 4 diapers.

Kanaan is in size 6 shoes.

His favorite foods are mac and cheese, spaghetti or anything with noodles, pizza and  potatoes. 

He also loves fruit. 

He really like the Charlie Brown movies. 

For Christmas he asked for a train and cars. 

His bedtime is at 7pm, but he will usually talk to himself for a few hours before falling asleep. 

He always falls asleep in the middle of the day. He takes a nap when we are home for 2-3 hours, but even if we are out running around he will conk out in the car. 

He wakes up between 6:30 and 7am. 

His favorite books are the Llama Llama Series.

Each night he sleeps with his Elephant, OT (a stuffed dog), his Build A Bear minion "Kevin", and the "Chase" from paw patrol we got him for his birthday. He calls them his kids and will carry all of them around in his arms. 

He calls people kids. For instance if we go somewhere as a family he will say, "There are 4 kids in this car" 

He can mentally count and knows how many of something just by looking. At least up to 4. He may know more, but that's the last one I remember him knowing for sure. 

He can put on his shoes, socks and pants on himself. He still needs a little help with his shirt. 

This isn't new, but he can still recognize and identify the entire uppercase alphabet, as well as name things that start with the letter he's referring to. 

He has a superb memory, and will bring up things from months before. 

He loves to boss his sister around, which she does not appreciate. 

He constantly is taking his shoes and socks off, even on 3 minute car trips. 

He can spell his name, but doesn't want to learn to write it. 

He always asks for ice in his water. 

Sometimes he calls Eden "Edie". 

He loves to do puzzles. 

He always asks for mustard on his "hangabers" aka hamburgers. 

He doesn't like food that is too spicy or "micey" as he called it a few months ago. 

He's always doing crazy acrobatic moves. 

We took the rail off his crib on his birthday and he will stay in his bed until we (or Eden) come to get him in the morning. 

Love you so much Buddy! 

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