Sunday, July 31, 2011

Love Letters From God...Proverbs 10:12

Proverbs 10:12 - "Hatred stirreth up strifes, but love covereth all sins."

Friday, July 29, 2011

100th Post!

This is my 100th post! Can you believe it? In honor of this occasion I am giving one of my readers a $10 gift card to CBD the giveaway will end next Friday at Midnight and I will announce the winner Saturday morning. To enter you have to become a follower, and leave a comment letting me know what you'd use your gift certificate for! Good Luck!

Monday, July 25, 2011

WW Week 23 Update!

This week I stayed the same as last week :( I'm going to be doing Zumba Monday and Thursday(instead of Water Aerobics) I think I get a better workout at Zumba plus its easier to get to because Water Aerobics starts at 6 and I don't get off work until 6 so its a struggle to make it. Zumba is at 6:30. A coworker has a sister that teaches a different Zumba class on Tuesday nights right before Water Aerobics so, I'm going to try that one also! Then I'll get 3 Zumba workouts and a light water aerobics per week. Hopefully that will help me get over this hump!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Love Letters From God...Isaiah 33:2

Isaiah 33:2 - "O LORD, be gracious unto us; we have waited for thee: be though their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble."

Friday, July 22, 2011

Amish Breakfast Casserole

I tried a recipe from the Amish Cookbook I got for Christmas. It turned FANTASTIC! I made some variations so I will give you the recipe how it is in the book and put my variations in parenthesis on the side.

I couldn't wait to taste it!
Amish Breakfast Casserole
1 lb bacon, cut up (I used ham about 2c)
1 onion, chopped (I used onion flakes 3tbsp)
6 eggs, beaten
4 cups shredded hash browns, thawed
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2 cups cottage cheese
1 1/4 cups shredded Swiss cheese (I used mozzarella)

In a large skillet, brown the bacon and onion, stirring, until bacon is crispy. Drain. (since I used ham and onion flakes, I skipped this step)

In a large mixing bowl, mix together the remaining ingredients and then stir in bacon (or ham) mixture. Transfer to a greased rectangular baking dish and bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until eggs are set. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting.

I liked it so well with ham I will probably always use ham. I put this recipe into my Weight Watchers Recipe Builder and using fat free cottage cheese, but regular shredded cheeses, it is only 4 points plus per serving. I got 20 servings.

I am not much of an egg fan at all and although you could see the egg you couldn't taste it at all. It basically tasted like a cheesy hash brown ham thing. SO good, I will definitely make this again!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WW Week 22 Update!

I tried to update earlier, but blogger wasn't letting me. I lost 1 lb this week, hopefully I can take off the pounds I gained the last couple of weeks quickly and continue on the down slope! I am doing Water Aerobics and started Zumba this week, so that should help also.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Frugal Friday...Foaming Vanilla Honey Bath!

Foaming Vanilla Honey Bath

1 cup sweet almond oil (light olive or sesame oil may be substituted)
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup liquid soap
1 TBS vanilla extract

Measure the oil into a medium bowl, then carefully stir in remaining ingredients until mixture is fully blended.

Pour into a clean plastic bottle with a tight-fitting stopper or lid. Shake gently before using. Enough for four large luxurious baths.

Swirl desired amount into the bathtub under running water – then step in and descend into a warm, silky escape.

FLY BabyStep #31

Day 31

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

Don't get bogged down by wanting to know everything about our system. As your clutter goes away you will find that you will have time to do the zone detailed cleaning, weekly home blessing hour and some of the fun things we do in our email and on the website. You don't have to see the top of the staircase to take the first step or the 30th step; you just need to keep FLYing!

I am so proud of you!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

FLY BabyStep #30

Day 30

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening
Look at your calendar for next month. Does anyone have a birthday? We forget to send cards and purchase gifts. Put this on your errand list so you can to buy cards and gifts on your errand day. To learn more about a Basic Weekly Plan; You don't have to start doing it yet. Just think about it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

FLY BabyStep #29

Day 29

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening
We have worked very hard this past month. I hope that you have become familiar with our email FLY Washing system and you are seeing some progress in your home. It took me nine months of building my routines one habit at a time to get our home running on automatic pilot. Please do not beat yourself up over this. Anything you do today is better than it used to be! Celebrate each accomplishment and enjoy the process. Before you know it you will be having more time for the things that you love to do.
Right now I want you to look at the bottom of our homepage and find the weekly Pamper Mission and read it. Then think about when you are going to do it. You may have to put it on your calendar to really make it happen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

FLY BabyStep #28

Day 28

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening
Many times when we can’'t seem to get going it is because we are not taking care of ourselves by eating right, drinking our water or getting enough sleep. As part of your routines I want you to remind yourself to eat good food, drink your water and get your rest.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weight Watchers Weeks 20 and 21 Update!

I forgot to log last weeks weigh in so I'm going to do a 2-in-1 post tonight. Last week I gained 2lbs, I somewhat expected it with the holiday weekend and all. This week I made no change, I didn't really track either week and I know that's a big part of it. My goal for this next week is to get back on track with tracking and maybe try to work some workouts in too. The last 2 weeks have been pretty crazy/busy for me, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get back to my routine and continue making progress.

Lord Today I Thank You For:...Gifts 5-11

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." - James 1:17
Gifts 5-11
5. Hymns to sing your praises.
6. Marmaduke "Duke" Grandma and Grandpa's sweet dog.
7. Pool parties with family.
8. Peanut Butter M&Ms.
9. Monster Cookies made by a coworker.
10. Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms.
11. Sweet Magnolia scented Candles.

Make Your Own Monday...Homemade Hamburger Buns

 Make your own hamburger buns (or hot dog buns). I made these with half the flour amount in whole wheat flour, but you could just do white if you'd like too.

Hamburger Buns
3/4 c. Lukewarm water
2 tbsp butter
2 medium eggs
3 1/2 c. flour (I only used 3c total 1 1/2 white & 1 1/2 wheat)
1/4 c sugar or sucanat
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp yeast

Dough is ready to rise!

1. In a mixer bowl, add all of the dough ingredients. Using a dough hook on your mixer, knead the dough for about 5 minutes. (I didn't have a dough hook for my mixer so I used a wooden spoon and elbow grease and mixed until it started to pull away from the sides.)

 2. Cover the dough, and let it rise for 1 hour, or until doubled.

Ready to shape into buns!

3. Place the dough on to the counter and shape into a log about 3 inches in diameter. Cut into slices for how many buns you need. Place the buns on a lightly greased baking sheet, cover, and let rise for about an hour, until very puffy. Just make sure they have at least doubled in size.

4. Brush lightly with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds(optional). (I skipped this step)

5. Bake the buns in a preheated 375 degree oven for 12-15 minutes, till golden. Cool on a rack.

Ready to rise again!

These can be frozen by placing them into ziplock freezer bags (once cooled). To serve thaw and toast if desired.

Ready to go into the oven!

Just out of the oven!
Ready to eat! Yum!

These would be great with Homemade Sloppy Joes!

FLY BabyStep #27


Day 27

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening
Today I want you to think about what you are fixing for dinner before 6:00 pm rolls around. You can do it as part of your before bed routine for tomorrow or as part of your morning routine for today. Write this in your Control Journal.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

FLY BabyStep #26

Day 26

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening
It takes us a month to establish a habit. I set it up this way because I knew that I would miss a day here and there and I didn’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water. That was how I had always done it with my perfectionism. If I missed a day I gave up; well I factored in this part of our personalities into our FlyLady system. This is why we take a whole month to establish one habit.
Today I want you to go look at the bottom of any email that I have sent out. The first sentence is what I want you to look at and incorporate into you FLYing!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Check out this awesome giveaway! Sign up to win a Scripture Lullabies CD! Even though I don't have any children of my own yet I love lullabies!

Chocolate Swirl Delight!

This is a super easy recipe that I have actually gotten applause for when I've taken it places.

Chocolate Swirl Delight
1 pkg (13oz) Swiss Cake Rolls
2 3/4 c Cold Milk
2 pkgs (3.9oz) Instant Chocolate Fudge or Chocolate Pudding Mix
2 cups Whipped Topping

1. Cut each Cake Roll into eight slices; set aside any chocolate coating that falls off rolls for garnish. Line a 9 inch springform pan with cake slices, completely covering the bottom and sides.

2. In a small bowl whisk the pudding mixes and milk for 2 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes or until soft set. Pour over cake. Spread with whipped topping; sprinkle with any reserved chocolate coating.

3. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

Yield: 12 servings
Ready to eat!

Assembled and ready for the whipped topping!

It was so warm when I was making this that the chocolate coating "scraps" kinda melted onto the plate I was using to cut the rolls, so this time mine didn't have any sprinkled on top.

FLY BabyStep #25

Day 25

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening You have only been doing your routines for 25 days now. I am so proud of you. Keep in mind that you are not ever going to be perfect and we don't expect you to be. In fact we don't even like that "P" word. Right now you have your routines written down in your Control Journal. It will help you to practice them each day. These habits are not automatic yet; so you are still going to have to use your Control Journal, sticky notes and our reminders to help you establish your habits. Another tool you have is your calendar and stickers. We love giving ourselves a sticker when we are establishing a habit. I know that I have thrown a lot at you in the last 25 days but don't give up now. Every time you do your routine you are one step closer to developing your habit and running on automatic pilot. Today I want you to read how I started developing my routines one habit at a time. It took me several months to do this and here I am expecting you to get it in four weeks. Well here is the deal; I don't expect you to do this in one month. Be nice to yourself and don't beat yourself up. Your consistent BabySteps will get you there.

Now go give yourself a gold star for doing your Morning Routine.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Frugal Friday...Got Ants?

Do you have those tiny annoying ants in your kitchen or bathroom? No need to buy harsh chemicals and poisons to get rid of them. A simple sprinkling of baby powder around the areas you have the ants will kill/keep them away! I've also heard that cinnamon does the same thing and that a helpful tip is to dip the rim of your sugar bowl in cinnamon to keep the ants away. I've also heard that if you know where the ants are getting in, you can draw a line of chalk around it and the ants won't cross the line. I've personally not tried the chalk or cinnamon so if you do let me know how it worked. Do you have any tips for getting rid of ants?

Lord Today I Thank You For:...Gifts 1-4

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

I've begun a Gratitude Journal. Several other blogs I read are doing a similar thing. My goal is to post "my gifts from God" each time I update my journal or once a week, however it works out best.

Gifts 1-4
1. Long Skirts
2. Snuggling with 1 week old babies.
3. Lydia Joy Zanolla born June 27, 2011
4. Air Conditioning on a scorching hot day.

Love Letters From God...Micah 7:7

MICAH 7:7 ~ "Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. "

FLY BabyStep #24

Day 24

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening
One of the things that make our home always ready for company is the fact that our main bathroom is clean. Each morning as part of my Morning Routine I do something I call a Swish and a Swipe. This means I swish the toilet with a toilet bowl brush and I wipe down the counter tops and sink with a rag and put away all the things I have gotten out. This takes all of two minutes to keep our bathroom ready for anyone.
Add Swish and Swipe to your Morning Routine
Swish and Swipe is FLY Lady's Habit of the month for July!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fly BabyStep#23

Day 23

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

Today we are going to add another routine to our day. Fly Lady likes to call this our get home from work routine or get home from school. Whatever you name it; it is your afternoon routine.

Make a new page in your Control Journal for your Afternoon Routine. As with any of your routines; you will have to adapt to fit your family. Your Control Journal is your guide for BabyStepping your way through you day.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

FLY BabyStep #22

Day 22

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening
Have you been procrastinating about building your Control Journal? I know that perfectionism can rear its ugly head and keep us stuck. If you just can't seem to get yours together;  FLY Lady has made one for you. It is in the FLY Shop  
All the BabyStep directions are on the website too. Just click on the link underneath FlyLadys feet.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

FLY BabyStep #21

Day 21

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening
Today I am going to show you something else on our website. Each day(Monday-Friday) FLY Lady's WebDude Lee puts up an Ask FlyLady Question and I answer it.

Friday, July 1, 2011

FLY BabyStep #20

  site framework
site framework


Day 20

Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

Include laundry in your morning and evening routines; this makes getting up and getting dressed much easier. Laundry doesn't take long to do when we don't procrastinate about one of the five steps: Sort, wash, dry, fold and put away. It only takes a few short minutes. When you include laundry in your routines everyone is blessed. Nothing says I love you more than clean underwear!