Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 30!

Today I'm thankful for having a messed up routine,  because it means we finally got our Dish TV set up!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 29!

Today I'm thankful for having an early work night, because it means I can go to bed early!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 28!

Today I'm thankful for having to go back to work today, because it means it's payday!

WW Week 41!

This week I gained 1 pound.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 27!

Today I'm thankful for taking boxes of Christmas decorations from Grandma's closet, because it means I get to bless her by decorating her Christmas tree.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 26!

I'm thankful for going to work, because it meant that my roommates had cleaned my house spotless by the time I got home!

Weight Watchers Month 8 and Month 9 Updates!

Month 8 Update!

AS OF 10/14/11:
Monthly Weight Loss: +2lbs :(
Total Weight Loss: 19 lbs

Month 9 Update!

AS OF 11/14/11:
Monthly Weight Loss: 0lbs
Total Weight Loss: 19lbs

New Housemate!!

Today Taryn and I got a new housemate! My friend Laura moved into our third bedroom. Currently we have a very full house! Taryn, Laura and I are all in the downstairs bedrooms and Kayla and her rabbit Sophia Claire are visiting for the holiday and staying in our guest room upstairs. So currently we have 4 people, 3 turtles, 1 dog and 1 rabbit. It's busy, but we're having a blast!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 25!

Today I'm thankful for carrying heavy boxes up our huge flight of stairs, because it means Taryn and I get a new roommate today!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 24!

Today I'm thankful for an overly full stomach, because it means I got to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 23!

Today I'm thankful for putting up Grandma's Christmas tree, because it means I get the afternoon off!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 22!

Today I'm thankful for not having breakfast, because it means I got to munch on my office thanksgiving carry-in snacks all morning!

Monday, November 21, 2011

WW Week 40!

This week I gained 3lbs. I can't believe it's been 40 weeks already, if I were pregnant today would be my due date! It seems crazy that I've been doing weight watchers for over 9 months!

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 21!

Today I'm thankful for having to crawl on my roof to clear the dryer vent, because it means I have a working dryer!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 20!

Today I'm thankful for having to get up early, because it means I have a wonderful church to worship at!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 19!

Today I'm thankful for a busy day, because it means I didn't have to work today!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 18!

Today I'm thankful for a night of writing out bills, because it means I have the money to pay for them!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 17!

Today I'm thankful for getting a wrong order at the restaurant, because it means I got to have a fun night out with the girls!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 16!

Today I'm thankful for my autumn crafts list winding down, because it means I will be starting on Christmas crafts soon!

What I'm Reading Wednesday...Monarch Award Part 1

These are the beginning of the award books. I'm starting with the Monarch Books which are geared toward grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade.

*"When it comes to wild animals, everyone knows that there are certain things you just don’t do. It's clearly a bad idea to tease a tiger, pull a python's tail, or bother a black widow spider. But do you know how dangerous it can be to pet a platypus, collect a cone shell, or touch a tang fish? Some creatures have developed unusual ways of protecting themselves or catching prey, and this can make them unexpectedly hazardous to your health.
     In this dynamic and fascinating picture book by Steve Jenkins, you'll find out what you should
never do if you encounter one of these surprisingly dangerous animals."

 This was an interesting book, however I wouldn't recommend it for a bedtime story! It can be a bit alarming.

*"When Mrs. Barrington shows her class pictures of the presidents, energetic African American Grace asks, “Where are the girls?” Responding to Grace’s shock, Mrs. Barrington arranges for an election in which Grace runs against Tom, with each of the remaining students in the multiethnic class representing a state. It looks like popular Tom will win since the boys have the most electoral votes, so Tom just sits back while Grace advances campaign promises. When the votes are counted, Sam, representing Wyoming (where the first woman was elected to the House), throws the winning votes to Grace, because he “thought she was the best person for the job.”  The attractive paint-and-collage art captures the excitement of the race in layouts as diverse as the kids. However, there’s one big problem in the author’s note, which explains why individuals should vote even if they are not electing directly: “It’s those individual votes from regular people that add up to become the popular vote in each state.” The concept of larger versus smaller states isn’t really explained, leaving the idea that the winner of the popular vote will be president. As Al Gore knows, that’s not true."

This was a very cute book!

*The words in quotations and italics are not my own!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 15!

Today I'm thankful for having to fill my bottle of water 3 times tonight, because I have clean cold water in my right in my refrigerator in the next room. I don't have to walk miles for water that could make me sick if I drink it!

More Autumn Decorations!

I saw a similar idea on pinterest and Taryn had these great candle holders just waiting to be filled with candy corn! I think it turned out great! The big one needed extra filler so I cut the leaves off a fall foliage I had and filled the bottom. LOVE IT!!!

Tree of Thanks

My latest autumn craft, a Tree of Thanks! Again very easy to make and only cost $8. I just cut leaf shapes with the Cricut and fall colored scrapbook paper scraps and wrote one thing I was thankful for on each leaf. Then filled a large vase with a multi colored soup bean mix.

Gathered some branches from the yard and put them in the vase of beans.

I took clear tape and folded it over the ends of each leaf "stem" and punched a hole with a hole punch, then just hung them on the branches.

Finally, I cut a strip of fabric left over from the Fabric Pumpkins and tied it around the vase.

I love how it turned out!

P.S. The pictures have a shadow on them so it looks like there are more branches than are actually there.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 14!

Today I'm thankful for sheets to wash, because it means we had our first house guest!

WW Week 39 Update!

This week I am still at the same weight. I guess at least I didn't gain! Today is also my 9 month mark, update will be separate!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 13!

Today I'm thankful for being hot inside, because it means we got to enjoy a day of 72 degrees in mid November!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 12!

Today I'm thankful for housework that didn't get done today, because it means I got to spend the day with my grandparents and my sister(who made a surprise visit this weekend)!

What I'm Reading...Award Books!

The new children and teen's Reader's Choice Award books are out. My goal is to read them all by this time next year! They have 5 categories: Monarch (K-3rd), Blue Stem (3rd-5th), Rebecca Caudill (4th-8th), Abraham Lincoln Illinois High School Book Award Program and Read For A Lifetime are both for High School. I'm going to start with the Monarch list and read progressively through the categories. I plan to make a What I'm Reading Wednesday post each week to tell you about each book. I know that with the smaller books I will be able to read several in a week, but as I get harder ones their will be less each week to discuss. If you'd like to read these books or get them for your children you can pick up a list at you're local library.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 11!

Today I'm thankful for the inconvenience of closed businesses, because it means a day to honor all the men and women who've served and died for our country fighting for our freedom, safety and privileges!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 10!

Today I'm thankful for sore feet after a night of major grocery shopping, because it means I have a house full of food to eat!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 9!

Today I am thankful for blisters from new shoes, because it means I have shoes to protect my feet from the cold!

What I'm Reading...The A.D. Chronicles Part 1

This series is set in Biblical times during the time Jesus was on Earth as a Man. It makes the stories found in the Gospels seem more personal. There are 12 books it will probably take me several posts to get through them all. The last one just came out in May, so I'm not sure if they are completely done with the series or if their will be more. The books reference the scriptures where you can find each "event" mentioned in the book and have a Bible Study in the back. I've read the first 3 and have not done any of the studies, but I may go back and do them. I've really enjoyed these books although they are pretty heavy, not a quick happy go lucky read. I read the first two a couple years ago and just finished the third.

Book 1 - Winner of the 2004 Logos Bookstore Award for Fiction

First Light (A. D. Chronicles, Book 1)
"Go back in time to first-century Jerusalem. It's a dark time in the world's holiest and most turbulent city. Walk with Peniel, the blind beggar who longs for rescue from his suffering. Peek into the lives of Susannah and Manaen, two lovers separated by overwhelming odds. And meet an unusual healer, who ignites a spark of controversy in the fire of hatred, deceit, and betrayal that is always burning in this ancient city. This first book in the A.D. Chronicles series will bring you face-to-face with the man called Yeshua."*

Book 2 - 2005 Gold Medallion Award finalist
Second Touch (A. D. Chronicles, Book 2)
"Be transported once again to the dark and tumultuous times of first-century Jerusalem. Return to the story of Peniel, who still longs for the connection of home and family. Meet new characters like Lily, Cantor, and Rabbi Ahava, who hold on to hope in spite of their devastating affliction of leprosy. This book's rich, vibrant imagery will draw readers to discover that we all need Yeshua's touch, not only on our bodies but on our souls."*

Book 3
Third Watch (A. D. Chronicles, Book 3)
"Journey back to first-century Jerusalem, a dark and hopeless time, when citizens are searching for their promised Messiah to return. Meet new characters Zahav, a Jewish woman who is very strong in her faith, and Alexander, a Greek with a past. Can their forbidden love endure the trials that face them? Will Susanna and Manaen's love be able to overcome bitterness and overwhelming odds? After seeing all that Yeshua has done for them, will the people believe he is the Messiah? What they choose to believe will change them all for eternity."*
These books made me really want to delve into the scriptures and re read the stories referenced. It makes it seem much more personal and alive.
*DISCLAIMER:  The words in italics and quotations are not my own words.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 8!

Today I'm thankful for running errands for Grandma and Grandpa, because it means I have two wonderful Grandparents I can spend time with!

New Blog Happenings!

I'm kind of late in the game, but I wanted to get on the bandwagon of posting one thing I'm thankful for each day of November! I'm going to start at November 1st and back date the posts so that if I ever turn this into a book it's in order. So don't forget to go back and check them out.

Also I am going to be starting a "Read the Bible in 90 days" program and I thought it would be fun to share it on here. I'll post the daily reading chapters and try to talk about the verses. I've never done something this intense with Bible reading before and actually I'm not sure I've ever really read it all the way through. I'm excited to start, but it's definitely going to be a challenge. Lately I've felt like I've been sitting on the edge of the "Bible Pool" and I really feel like I need to just jump into the deep end.

I'd also like to get back into a workout routine so I'm going to ride my exercise bike while I'm reading my Bible. That way I can strengthen my spiritual self and my physical self at the same time! I'm hoping by the end of the 90 days, my body will be craving both exercises.

So you guys are in for a lot of posts in the coming days! Thankful posts, Bible reading accountability posts, weekly weight watchers post, plus regular posts!

Is anyone else doing the Month of thanksgiving on your blogs or facebook?
Have you ever done the 90 day Bible reading program or something similar?
If you'd like to join me I'd love some company!

Another Pumpkin!

Yesterday I did another super easy autumn decoration craft. A pumpkin made out of pumpkin seeds! Such a cute idea, I saw it on pinterest and had to make my own. The original was made with a piece of wood painted orange, I didn't have a piece of wood and didn't want to buy one just for this, so I made some changes.

Here's how I made it:

1. I cut a piece of orange scrapbook paper to fit an 8x10 frame I had. The paper looks solid on the photo, but it actually has some detail on it.

2.  I laid out my pumpkin seeds in the pattern I wanted. I just used a bag of salted roasted pumpkin seeds from the dollar store, I think you can even get them at the gas station. I bought 2 bags but only used 1/2 of one bag.

3. I picked up each seed and stuck a mini glue dot on the back, then placed it right back on the paper. That way I didn't lose my pattern.

4. Once I had the pumpkin stuck down I arranged some seeds to make a stem, then pushed each one onto a brown ink pad. I let them dry a few minutes before sticking them in place with glue dots.

5. My pumpkin was done! I layed the paper in the frame, secured the back and viola!

This craft cost me a total of $2 for the bag of pumpkin seeds. (well $4 if you count both bags I bought). I already had all of the other stuff at home! I love it! I'm just trying to find the perfect place to put it right now.

Monday, November 7, 2011

WW Week 38 Update!

This week I stayed the same. I'm going to try to get back into some type of workout routine this week, hopefully that will help!

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 7!

Today I'm thankful for getting drenched by rain while taking Pogo out, because it means I have a little someone that's happy to see me when I get home and to cuddle on the couch with!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving..Day 6!

Today I'm thankful for my phone dying while I'm using it, because it means I got to have a good long talk with my sister!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 5!

Today I'm thankful for a messy kitchen to clean after an afternoon of cooking, because it means I have good, healthy food to eat!

What I'm Reading...

I thought I'd catch you up on what I've been reading lately!

The Amish Nanny (The Women of Lancaster County)

"Amish-raised Ada Rupp knows it’s time to make a commitment to the faith and join the church, especially if she wants a future with the handsome Amish widower Will Gundy.

But when she has the chance to travel to Switzerland as the caregiver of a young child, she leaps at the opportunity.

Anxious to learn more about her forebears, Ada enlists the help of a young Mennonite scholar named Daniel, but even as she develops feelings for him, she cannot get Will from her mind—or her heart. At a crossroads, Ada must decide what she is willing to give up from the past in order to embrace her future."*
In my last What I'm Reading post I mentioned reading the first book of this series. The second was just as good. I highly recommend it!

The "Sisters of the Heart" Series by Shelley Shephard Gray

Book 1
Hidden (Sisters of the Heart, Book 1)"When Anna decides it's time to leave her abusive boyfriend, she doesn't know where to turn. Rob has completely won over her parents, and the entire community, with his good looks and smooth charm. Only Anna has seen his dark side.
Desperate, she runs to the only place she's ever felt completely safe—the Amish Brenneman Bed and Breakfast, where Anna met life-long friend Katie Brenneman. The family welcomes her in, and with few questions asked allows her to stay, dressed in Plain clothing, and help around the inn.
Katie's older brother Henry is the only one who doesn't take too kindly to the intrusion. He tries to ignore Anna, knowing no good would ever come from caring for an Englisher like her. But as he gets to know Anna, he discovers her good heart and is surprised with her readiness to accept their lifestyle.
The more time Anna spends with the Amish, the more she feels she's found a true home. But how can she deny the life she left behind? And will her chance for happiness be stolen away by the man from her past? "*
Book 2
Wanted (Sisters of the Heart, Book 2)"Twenty-year-old Katie Brenneman has always quietly fancied Jonathan Lundy. So when the brokenhearted widower asks her to help him take care of his two young girls, Katie knows it will be a trying time—yet she cannot pass up a golden opportunity to get to know this man better.
Just as she's settling into her new life, a message arrives from Katie's past, threatening to expose her darkest secrets. During her Rumspringa, her running-around years, she experimented with activities forbidden in the Amish way of life. Frightened by how far she'd strayed from her values, Katie ran back home, vowing to cut all ties with the outside world. Now her transgressions are coming back to haunt her, just as Jonathan seems willing to welcome her into his heart.
Will the past destroy Katie's chances for love? Or will Katie allow herself to accept God's love, forgive her past, and receive everything she's ever wanted?"*

Book 3
Forgiven (Sisters of the Heart, Book 3)"Tragedy strikes­—a brother and sister find themselves facing a situation that will shape the rest of their lives.
When a fire destroys the Lundys' barn, Winnie is injured trying to get the animals to safety. Confined to a hospital for weeks, out of touch with her loved ones who live too far away to visit by buggy, she must depend on Englisher Samuel Miller to keep her company. Though his family is part of Winnie's tight-knit Amish community, Samuel left years earlier to pursue a university education. Through conversations, and Samuel's dedication to her recovery, a friendship forms. But despite their growing attraction, Winnie knows it can never develop into something more as long as Samuel chooses to remain in the outside world.

When Winnie returns home, she finds her brother, Jonathan, struggling with his own dilemma. Cigarette butts were discovered in the debris of the barn and Jonathan is determined to find out who is responsible for destroying his property and putting his family at risk. But in a community founded on grace and forgiveness, will his unwillingness to move on eat away at the trust that is the foundation of their lives?"*

Book 4. (This is actually kind of a bonus book, but it follows book 3)
Grace: A Christmas Sisters of the Heart Novel
"It's never too late to go home

It’s Christmastime at the Brenneman Bed and Breakfast, and everyone is excited about closing down for the holidays. But when two unexpected visitors appear seeking shelter, the family’s commitment to hospitality is tested. First Levi arrives, sullen and angry . . . but insisting on staying for five days. Next Melody shows up. She’s almost nine months pregnant, but won’t say a word about why she traveled all the way from Kentucky by herself. As the two strangers settle in, the Brennemans try to make the best of an uncomfortable situation, except for Katie, who and knows a thing or two about keeping secrets. She is determined to learn the truth about these two strangers . . . all while keeping her own secret safely hidden away.

All is revealed when a snowstorm traps them at the inn."*

I loved this entire series! I love Amish Christian Fiction but I love that these are different than the usual storylines I find in the genre.
I actually have more to add to this list, but I think they will have to be on next time's What I'm Reading post.
Anyone have any suggestions on what I should read next?
*DISCLAIMER: The descriptions in italics and quotations are not my own words.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 4!

Today I'm thankful for stepping on toys and baby milk spit up on my shirt, because it means I have 3 little loves to babysit!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I made these pumpkins yesterday to decorate the house with! Aren't they cute? A friend of mine told me how to make them.

They are super easy to make! All you need is:
a 16" Square piece of fabric
1 toilet paper tube
4-5 empty plastic shopping bags
a stick a little longer than the paper tube
and a ribbon if you wish.

To make the pumpkin:
1. Lay the fabric face down on your workspace.
2. wrap the plastic bags around the paper tube.

3. Place the tube in the center of the fabric square.

4. Tuck the fabric up over the bags and into the top of the tube.

5. Push the Stick in the tube to hold the fabric in place.

6. Tie on a ribbon if you wish.

That's it! So simple. You can make any colors you wish and they literally take 5 minutes to make!

Do you have any Fall Crafts you love to make? I'd love to hear about them!

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 3!

Today I'm thankful for a long list of housework to do, because it means I have a place to live!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 2!

Today I'm thankful for crazy days at, because it means I have 2 jobs I when so many are out of work!

Britt's Knits -n- More is on Facebook!

I have created a facebook page for Britt's Knits -n- More! Check it out to see what I've made for others and to see what I can make for you! If you don't see what you're looking for just ask!

Also I participated in my first Vendor Blender on Saturday. It went pretty well. I got a few orders and several people took my card. With my orders I covered my booth fee and I've gotten my name out there too! Last year this was my busy season for Christmas gifts, maybe this year will be the same!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sick Puppy :(

Pogo hasn't been feeling well this last week. Poor thing has had some tummy troubles. It hasn't cleared up so he had to go to the vet yesterday. He's got a virus, they gave him a shot and some pills he gets twice a day. They also told me to give him some yogurt to get the bacteria balanced in his digestive tract. My uncle took Pogo to the appointment because I had to work. It was quite the excursion for Pogo, he wasn't thrilled with the shot, and ended up getting loose and ran off (across a highway in front of a SEMI) EEEKKKK! He wouldn't come to my uncle so I had to leave work and find them. Luckily he came right to me. I had to go back to work so I'm not sure how he felt right after the appointment, he was pretty sleepy that evening, he did have quite the afternoon!!!

Here are some pictures of Pogo cuddling up with some of our fleece blankets, he loves snuggling on them.

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 1!

Today I'm thankful for vet bills, because they mean Pogo is on the mend!