Showing posts with label Kayla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kayla. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas Photo Dump

We had 7 family Christmases this year. The Stremmel's (my Mom's Mom's family), The King's (Andy's Dad's family), The Brown's (My mom's family), The Ancell's (Andy's Mom's family), The Prior's(My Dad's family), Andy's Parent's and Sister, and Our own little family Christmas. We've done this every year since we've been married, and frankly it's exhausting, and the house is a disaster by the time we've been to every place. However, it's so nice to spend time with our families and the kids have so much fun. I know there will be a time when we only have a few christmases to go to and we'll miss the crazy busyness that we have now. 

This was Andy and my Christmas present to ourselves. Andy hit a deer and totaled his vehicle, so we got this as a replacement. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Catching Up

Wow it has almost been a month since I've blogged! Where has the time gone? Here's what's happened since we last talked. 

  • I have a new boyfriend Andrew! We met in February right before valentine's day! Details to come. 
  • Andrew and I went to a concert in St. Louis in mid March right around our 1 month anniversary, pics coming. 
  • We were able to stay with Kayla! It was fun to spend time with her even though it was very short. 
  • I sprained my ankle a few hours before the concert. We almost didn't go but I'm glad we did.
  • I have a few more recipes to post soon. 
  • I have slacked off on the weekly habits so I will do 2 habits per week until I'm caught up. 
I think that about sums it up. I will try to stay on top of things better now. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Housemate!!

Today Taryn and I got a new housemate! My friend Laura moved into our third bedroom. Currently we have a very full house! Taryn, Laura and I are all in the downstairs bedrooms and Kayla and her rabbit Sophia Claire are visiting for the holiday and staying in our guest room upstairs. So currently we have 4 people, 3 turtles, 1 dog and 1 rabbit. It's busy, but we're having a blast!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Month of Thanksgiving...Day 12!

Today I'm thankful for housework that didn't get done today, because it means I got to spend the day with my grandparents and my sister(who made a surprise visit this weekend)!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day Invitations

My sister Kayla and I made Father's Day Invitations for our dad and uncle. We invited them to play mini golf and have ice cream. Here's a peek at how they turned out!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kayla's Graduation Thank You Cards

White Border 5x7 folded card
Shutterfly custom cards for Valentines Day, Easter & Mother's Day.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Congratulations Kayla!

Today my little sister graduated from college! She is  now the proud owner of a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education! She is certified to teach birth through third grade. I'm so proud of her!!!! She's put in so much into this and it's truly been a labor of love. I'm sure there are things she will miss and things she's glad to be leaving. In some ways I feel like she just started and others I feel like have been much much longer. She is such an inspiration to me, I'm so proud of the wonderful woman she's become. It was an honor to celebrate this special day with my best friend!

I love you like umbrellas love rain!!
